Leading specialists in Commercial LED Lighting since 2006, Goodlight provides a range of LED lighting solutions that can reduce your lighting bills and CO2 emissions by 50-85%. With over 8,000 LED lighting installations nationwide, Goodlight customers range from blue chip companies to SMEs, across a range of business environments including commercial, industrial, amenity, leisure and hospitality buildings.


Mills CNC is one of the UK’s fast growing machine tool companies. Founded in 1974 and based in Leamington Spa, it serves businesses across the sector, including for precision component manufacture, medical, automotive, and aerospace applications.

With three industrial units and moderate energy requirements, Mills CNC were interested in reducing their energy consumption and costs.  Updating the lighting with LED at their Head office would meet their Net Zero strategy with guaranteed energy savings, lower costs and lower maintenance costs.

Goodlight Site Survey and Installation

Goodlight visited the company headquarters in Leamington Spa and produced a full design with LED lighting solution which was approved by Mills CNC.  With supply and installation to start within a matter of weeks of the decision, one of the advantages of choosing Goodlight was a fast turn-around, and out-of-hours installation with no disruption to business. The installation team were to set-up and complete the works outside of business hours.  Each evening they would return to work after hours, cleaning and tidying the site ready for staff to return to work the following morning.

Some of the commercial office LED Lighting installed includes: Luma LED Panel (backlit), Fluoro-style LED Tubes and Toblix LED Bulkhead (IP65)


Mills CNC had poor quality and outdated lighting throughout the building, which incurred high energy costs and CO2 emissions.


Since the installation of LED lighting , Mills CNC have benefitted from dramatic lighting energy savings annually of 70% and a drastic reduction on costs and CO2 emissions. The company is also benefitting from better light throughout offices, meeting rooms as well as canteens, which the users are enjoying, and will last 10 times as long as old fluorescent technology.

Goodlight can help you with your next LED lighting project 

With over 16 years of LED experience and over 8,000 LED installations nationwide – we can help you! We provide support with site surveys, lighting design, installation, project management, energy remodelling and LED funding schemes.
With unique solutions for heritage and listed buildings, and even those where Asbestos presents a challenge, we love to talk lighting!

Contact our team on 01276 691 230 or email [email protected]